*Res: In Roman law res signifies things or property. It includes not merely physical things but also abstract rights such as servitude and dominium.
*Classifications of Res: Res have been classified in the following ways :
1.Res corporales and res incorporales:-
(a) Res corporales are tangible objects that can be felt or touched. Such things have a physical existence. e.g. land, house, gold, money, slave etc.
(b)Res incorporales are those things which are intangible and have no actual existence. It's only in the eye of law. They consist of rights such as (a) Servitude e.g. a man right to walk on the land of another (b) hereditas e.g. the right of inheritance.
2.Les mancipi and res nec mancipi:
(a) The real distinction between the two lay in the mode of transfer. Res mancipi were those things which could only be legally conveyed by the ceremony of mancipatio. Lands and houses in Italy, slaves, mules, horses, asses, rustic servitude were designated as res mancipi.
(b) All other res were res nec mancipi which could be transferred by traditio or delivery of possession, provided that the res in question was capable of physical delivery.
3.Res mobiles (moveable) and res immobiles (immoveable):
(a) All property that can be transferred are called res mobiles. Such as book, money, mobile, etc.
(b) All property that cannot be transferred are called res immobiles. Such as land.
4.Res extra patrimonium (res extra commercium) and res in patrimonio (res in commercio):
Res extra in patrimonium is a thing which is incapable of being owned by a private person but the use of it is common to all.
whereas a res in patrimonio can be so owned by a private person. There are four classes of res extra patrimonium. Such as
(a) Res communes are things common to all and may be enjoyed by all the world but not capable of appropriation by any body. Such as air, running water, the sea etc.
(b) Res publicae (public) are the property of the state. Such as public roads, rivers etc.
(c) Res universitatis (corporation property) are the property of a corporation. Such as a theatre, stadium.
(d) Res nullius are things which belong to nobody e.g. wild animal, treasure trove etc.
5.Res fungibles and res non fungibles:-
(a) Res fungibles are thing which are dealt with by weight, number or measure. Such as money, silver, gold, oil etc.
(b) Whereas res non fungibles are things such as horse or piece of land which are regarded as individual units.